Monday, February 23, 2009


Marcely and I had a serious discussion last night about friends.

It's always an interesting discussion when we talk about friends because his friends are so different than him where as I have two separate group of friends that pretty much balance who I am as a person.

Recently I've realized the importance of true friends. Those friends that are like your family. I was telling Marce how even though I share a special bond with my college friends, due to experiences that we've shared together as a group ( PKP:) ), nothing can replace the sisterly bond I have with my friends from home.

It's important to have people around you that are like-minded and share the same values as yourself. It's amazing how each of my friends from home can not speak to one another in a month and then get back like time never pasted. It's truly a beautiful thing. With that I'm hoping to spend more time and energy into those friendships that are meaningful and fulfilling...lifelong. And that doesn't just go for my HS friends, but for all of my overall friendships as well.

I've also decided to stop letting some of my friends rely on me so much. Not that I don't mind helping and giving support, but sometimes I feel like a lot of my friendships are based off of that. I've been looked upon on more than one occasion as the person who gives sound advice, the go to person that will be there for you and to an extent I'm tired of it. I'm learning to let those around me make their own decisions and mistakes, as much as I hate to see people I care about go through things that may be unnecessarily stressful/painful; I just have to let it go. I've learned that through adversity character is built and that's exactly what people have to learn... I just can't learn it for them!

Well that's it for now.

"Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends."
- Jacques Delille (1738 - 1813) French poet.

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