Tuesday, February 10, 2009


You ever read someone else's blog/xanga/myspace/facebook and after reading think, damn am I as interesting as they are?

Sometimes I get that feeling. I mean, I'm def not on any of these websites to develop a cult following or anything but I wonder if people find what I think or say to be interesting. I would hate to have someone listen to me speak or read my blog only to come away with: Damn that was a waste of my life! lol

Idk..just another thought that had popped into my head.

In other news, today was the day that my supervisor returned back to work. OOOOhhh Joy. He was out for a while driving the van because we had no van driver and now his retarded ass is back. What's funny is that I really used to like him, until he went away for such a long period of time then returned. He's incredibly annoying; with his southern accent that makes him sound stupid, his micromanaging ways, and his utter incapability to actual do the tasks at hand. I think above all what really grinds my gears is that I feel as though I can have his job!! He has a master's degree (in something i do not know) but has the professional etiquette of a middle school student.

Idk... Pray that he doesn't irk my whole entire soul for the next few months. LOL

Au reviour...

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